September 9, 2024

3D Optical Illusion Safety Method: Good or Bad?

Optical Illusion

Speeding is a problem encountered all over the world, be it on the road or in the parking lot. And although many people have tried to come up with a solution, few were actually practical enough to apply in real life (though they were excellent on paper). And an optical illusion that acts as a safety method will soon be approaching one or the other.

Optical Illusion
Optical Illusion

This is happening in West Vancouver with the introduction of an optical illusion which is painted on the ground. In theory, the said illusion can’t be seen until the last minute and if a driver is driving fast enough, it will appear suddenly, inducing an instinctive braking of the vehicle.

Like we said, it sounds good on paper. And on the first tries on unknowing motorists. But what if people who drive in the area regularly get over the illusion and decide to ignore the next (real) kid with a backpack that shows up in front of them in the future?

It is curious why the authorities in Vancouver didn’t think of this, as they are planning to extend the optical illusion in the region.

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