July 26, 2024
Car Care

Essential Maintenance Tips for Vehicle Air Filters

Something important that has to do with the proper functioning and durability of vehicle engines is the constant cleaning or replacement of cars’ air filters. As for all cars, air filters ensure your engine is protected from harsh dirt, dust, and other contaminants capable of huge damage if they get into the engine in the

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Technology Car Care Miscellaneous

The Evolution of Vehicle Theft Prevention

Did you know that in the UK, a car is stolen every 8 minutes? The DVLA says that 64,087 vehicles were reported stolen in 2023. Auto theft has remained an enduring problem as long as cars have existed, and it’s no surprise considering their high value and associated status. On its part, the industry has

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Car Care

Extend the Life of Your Diesel with These 5 Regular Maintenance Tips

Diesel trucks are known for their reliability and durability even when hauling heavy loads. That’s how they earned their reputation as work trucks. In fact, diesel trucks tend to last twice as long as gas-powered trucks, helping you save thousands of dollars over the next few decades. But that doesn’t mean diesel engines are self-sufficient.

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Car Care Miscellaneous Other News

CarGuard Administration: 5 Reasons for a Car Protection Plan

Vehicle owners keep their cars, trucks, SUVs, and other wheels longer. In fact, the average time period of ownership has increased dramatically—60 percent—over the past 10 years. That means that many vehicle owners are facing more expensive repairs as their vehicles age, and getting a vehicle protection plan is an increasingly sensible precaution. Jokes about

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Trucks Car Care Tips

Tips for Maintaining Your Truck’s Shiny Exhaust Tips

As a truck owner or driver, you know how important it is to maintain your vehicle’s performance and appearance. The exhaust tips are one aspect of your truck’s appearance that often gets overlooked. Over time, exhaust tips can become discolored, rusted, or covered in grime, detracting from your truck’s overall look if truck diagnostics are not maintained.

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Car Care

Detailing Jobs to Get Done Before Winter

It has already started. Leaves littering the roads, gradually turning to a brown slurry as autumn rains soak everything. Puddles splashing our cars with grime as we drive through them. Berries, twigs, and nuts raining down our car’s precious paintwork. Before we know it, the temperatures will have plummeted and the gritters will be out

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Car Care Other News

Maintenance Costs — A Car Owner’s Guide

Most people with a CarShield warranty or another car protection plan are long-term thinkers — after all, you want to do everything in your power to protect your car. After all, a car is a depreciating asset; it loses its value over time, which is why you want to maximize your return on investment when

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Miscellaneous Car Care Other News

6 Useful Car Accessories for Your Car

6 Useful Car Accessories This is not a long article, and we think it’s enough to present you with some of our recommended car accessories for your car. Please check the list below. Blindspot Monitor As we all know, in all cars, inside rear view mirrors, and outside rear view mirrors are present. But there

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Miscellaneous Car Care

3 Things To Consider Before Your Car’s Next MOT

If your car in the UK is over three years old, then you, like many people, will need to put your car in for its MOT test. These can be stressful times, even if your vehicle seems to be OK, as there can sometimes be things wrong that you don’t know about until it’s tested.

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Car Care DIY Miscellaneous

3 Car Repairs You Must Never Attempt at Home

Car repairs or YouTube videos and DIY manuals make it look easy to fix your car. These hacks promise to save time and money and ensure good results. But they make sense only in certain situations when your car needs a wash or a tire fill-up. The truth is that these tricks may come with

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Car Care Tips

Is Your Car Costing You More Than You Think?

It’s no secret that owning a car can be expensive. Between the monthly payments, gas, and maintenance costs, it’s easy to see how your car can quickly become one of your biggest expenses. However, many people don’t realize just how much they’re spending on their car each month. In this blog post, we will discuss

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Car Care

How To Personalise Your Car With These 5 Accessories

A new car is so much more than a vehicle. It is an extension of who you are. Your lifestyle and sense of style are reflected in the vehicle you choose. Even though a brand-new vehicle is an exciting addition to the garage, once it starts travelling, it runs the risk of becoming lost amid

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Car Care Featured

Make Your Car Dent-free Without Loads of Investment

Car dents are the real problem for car owners. Getting them is no doubt a troublesome and hurtful experience if you are a car lover. Once your car is indented, you should think of removing it without wasting any time. To sustain the resale value and maintain the overall grace of your car, paintless dent

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Car Care Technology

Automotive Smart Key Market Set to Grow

Vehicle keys have undergone a significant transformation in the last few decades. The traditional mechanical keys have been replaced by programmable, transponders, proximity FOBs, and Tibbe keys that are not only smart but convenient too. The introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles will also provide a fillip to the smart key segment. The automotive smart

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Car Care

Prioritizing Car Care–A Guide by SimpleTire

Ahead of Car Care Month in April, OnePoll conducted research on behalf of SimpleTire.com to understand how vehicle maintenance and needs can change depending on the climate and region in which your vehicle lives. This Survey resulted in identifying several key differences in the car maintenance habits and driving preferences of those surveyed across each

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Car Care Miscellaneous

5 Symptoms and Signs Your Battery Needs Replacing

Are you having trouble starting your car? Does your interior light flicker when you start the engine? Do you hear strange sounds coming from your engine compartment when your car is running? If so, it might be time for a new battery. In this post, we’ll discuss five common symptoms of a battery that needs

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Car Care Technology Tips

4 Maintenance Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Vehicle

Car maintenance is much more than a simple wash. Owners have to keep all parts like the brakes, tire, belts, hoses, spark plugs, and transmission in good shape. Further, you also have to ensure proper carbonation and oil checks. These can save the car from potential damages while keeping you safe. The US is one

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Car Care Featured Miscellaneous

Getting to Know Your Car Tires

Some people love to learn all the little details of their cars and how they work. Others just want them to travel reliably from A to B with as little maintenance as possible. Introduction Whatever your curiosity level when it comes to car mechanics, it is useful to have an understanding of the basics. Knowing

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Car Care Featured Miscellaneous

Are Diesel Fuel Additives Worth It? What to Know About Diesel Fuel Additives

Diesel fuel additives aren’t for everyone. Lots of products and additives claim to boost fuel efficiency and reduce wear and tear, but these claims are often bold and unvetted, leaving drivers to wonder if fuel additives are really worth it. The answer depends on what you’re trying to achieve and how much you’re willing to

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Car Care Featured Technical

10 Essential Things for Your Garage – A Practical Guide

Whether you are moving into a new house or looking for upgrading your current garage to a new level, all you need are certain must-haves that you can’t do without. Equip your garage with these 10 essentials and say goodbye to messy and low efficient car work! Safety Gear Any mechanical work should start with

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