July 27, 2024

Ferrari reveals sale plans for this year


It seems that the Italians from Ferrari have big plans for this year, their current target is to sell more than 8,000 vehicles every year from now. You will probably say that this is not very hard as there are a bunch of car manufacturers selling hundreds of thousands units every year.


Yes, this is true but let’s not forget that we talk about Ferrari, a manufacturer that sells supercars, models that are pretty spicy in terms of price. The Italians claimed that they will focus more on certain markets such as China and India, hoping to get the expected feedback and get that momentum in order to obtain better sales.

The new Ferrari FF which is the first four-seater model bearing Ferrari’s badge should be the key for increasing sales as the Italians developed this model for those searching a family but also a supercar in the same time.

Latin America is also a very important market for Ferrari, mainly considering that the Japanese crisis after the devastating earthquake affected the sales of the Maranello-based manufacturer.

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