July 27, 2024

Volvo is aiming for the EV market

Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric

Let’s be honest, it was inevitable that a company that has been marketing themselves as the sensible choice ever since they started would be interested in showing the world that they are saving the world.

Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric
Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric

And if there ever was a company that sold themselves as sensible, it was the Swedes at Volvo. So it would only be logical that Volvo would try to get the eco-minded customers, but how are they going about it?

Since low pressure turbos, diesels and various European legislation markers for economy had been met Volvo had to take a new step.

Enter the EV option, Volvo decided to partner up with Powercell Sweden AB and come up with the Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric. The Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric is scheduled for 2012 to be a launch date of the road testing program.

The Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric is an EV that at the moment is pretty basic, only offering a range of no more than 40-60 miles. The interesting bit about the Volvo C30 DRIVe Electric is what happens when the battery runs out.

The range extending of the C30 EV is done by a reformer, which breaks down liquid fuel and creates hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas will eventually be used by a fuel cell to produce electricity that eventually powers the same electric engine the batteries did.

This is quite an interesting idea and this could mean that the Swedish folk over at Volvo are coming up with the good futuristic technology of hydrogen fuel cells with the current less great technology of batteries.

Overall, I reckon the Volvo C30 EV will be a decent car that will be opening up the way for hydrogen in our cars.

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