July 26, 2024
Audi BMW Mercedes

China and America want some German luxury

Mercedes C Class

Of all the places the world has seen affected by the economic crisis, Germany’s luxury car market is one of the leading downers.

Mercedes C Class
Mercedes C Class

Happily, their luxury car production hasn’t experienced the same fate. While their domestic market has fallen by more than a quarter in volume, exterior trade keeps their companies working.

All of Germany’s “Big Three”, Mercedes, BMW and Audi have had an overall market increase of such substantial figures that management decided to shorten Christmas holidays and go for it.

BMW 5 Series Touring
BMW 5 Series Touring

By go for it I mean they’re going to be keeping Germany’s workers busy in order to sell cars while people still want them.

Getting past the “strike the iron while, it’s hot” moment, Audi proudly boast a sales increase of 23.6%. This level is pretty much unprecedented and far above the average of any market levels.

Mercedes’ growth is trailing at 18.6% with the ultimate driving machine makers, BMW, at 11.6%. But there’s something else.

America’s demand increase for the premium segment is obviously giving Audi, Mercedes and BMW quite a lot of work but it’s nothing compared to what’s happening in the people’s republic of China.

Chinese car sales have boomed on every level but in terms of premium quality there’s a new page turning in car sale history. The Chinese luxury car market has increased by 40% and it’s expected to keep going.

Audi A6
Audi A6

So, while Europe and the Middle East may have calmed down acquisitions there’s still plenty of places Mercedes, Audi and BMW can sell cars.

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