Honda’s slogan “Power of dreams” may not be enough to get their biggest dream accomplished on time. Honda has forever been telling us about the dream of taking flight and in recent years they have been coming forward with operational crafts.

Production versions of those aircrafts however seem to take a lot more effort than that to come to life and in this case there’ll be an extra two years added to the optimistic launch date set by the Japanese for this year.
The reasoning behind the 24 month delay doesn’t come with much detail but Honda is getting the feel of the aeronautical industry and the differences between it and a normal car launch. The little detail offered by HondaJet spokesman Stephen Keeney on the delays is that there are some components issues.
The HondaJet is due to be manufactured at a new plant in Greensboro, North Carolina, where Honda is in the process of investing about $100 million. The projected price of a HondaJet is 3.9 million dollars but since the delays from 2010 to 2012 is almost certain to add some costs to it.