July 27, 2024

Skoda Fabia GreenLine covered 2,006 kilometers with just 45 liters of fuel

Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record

The Czech people from Skoda proudly announced that a new record for their eco-friendly GreenLine range has been established. More exactly, Gerhard Plattner, managed to drive a Fabia GreenLine 2,006 kilometers on a single tank of fuel, therefore, setting a new record in terms of economy driving.

Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record
Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record

This achievement could not be missed by the officials from Skoda, the Czechs releasing full details on this interesting and “eco-friendly” trip. This journey started on May 10th in Reutte, Austria, Gerhard Plattner traveling all the way up to Denmark behind the steering wheel of a Skoda Fabia GreenLine.

Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record
Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record

Even the specification sheet of the fuel-efficient Fabia says that the average consumption is 3,4 l/100 km, the Austrian driver managed to obtain a fuel consumption of just 2,21 l/100 km, this allowing him to cover such a big distance of over 2,000 kilometers.

Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record
Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record

It is not the first time when Gerhard Plattner teams up with Skoda in order to break this kind of records, the Austrian driver already being a well-known name inside the Czech company as it is highly involved in testing the GreenLine models and trying to get the best possible results. The International Police Motor Corporation (IPMC) assured that the fuel tank is sealed and this record is official.

Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record
Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record

Unfortunately, Plattner revealed no details about the driving behavior he adopted but considering that most of the distance was covered on the German A 7 highway, we assume that the Austrian champion drove the model at a constant speed without sudden accelerations or other aggressive maneuvers.

Gerhard Plattner also points out in the official press release that besides the innovative technology which should be found under the bonnet, another important fact is the driving behavior and often this is something that is not considered significant by the drivers. In addition, using specially prepared tires with a correct pressure is also a key detail to a more efficient driving which won’t mean just less money spent on refueling but will protect the surrounding environment that currently is in a big danger.

Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record
Skoda Fabia GreenLine setting fuel consumption record

The Skoda Fabia GreenLine model that had been used for this bold project is equipped with a 1.2-liter diesel engine that finally managed to deliver an incredible fuel consumption of 2,2 l/100 km even, as we mentioned few paragraphs above, the official fuel consumption of the Czech model exceeds the 3 l/100 km barrier.

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