July 26, 2024

Ford Motor Company chops off $4 billion worth of debt

Recently Ford has had some issues with their stock pricing due to investor concern about slow sales within the automotive industry and uncertainty over how the company will pay the UAW’s health care trust fund. The news that came from Dearborn today will most likely calm spirits and even make some brokers jump for joy

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Ford Motor Company will take care of debt before paying dividents

Ford Motor Company’s executive chairman William Clay Ford Jr. announced this week to shareholders that dividend payments would not be made until the automaker pays down more of its debt. During the same statement he also mentioned that shareholders don’t have any right to complain, considering the soar in stock value and the fact that

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Mulally versus Ford investors

Ford Motor Company’s annual shareholders meeting hosted a very positive speech on the behalf of the company CEO, Alan Mulally. Mulally stated that Ford will have a “solidly” profitable result coming out of 2010 and that 2011 will bring along a “continuing improvement”.

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