July 27, 2024
Concept Cars Nissan

Nissan Land Glider Concept

Nissan Land Glider Concept

Nissan Land Glider Concept is the new concept from Nissan that has zero gas emissions and will also be present at the Tokyo Auto Show, this year. I can say that Tokyo Auto Show will be the land of hybrid vehicles. Now, back to what I was talking earlier, Nissan Land Glider Concept is the vehicle that I think will dominate in the future cities.

The global launch of Nissan Land Glider Concept will be in 2010. At the Tokyo Auto Show, near to Nissan Land Glider Concept, will be the Nissan Leaf. On the internet I read that Nissan Land Glider Concept will have two seats but in pictures I can see just one seat.

I noticed another cool fact, namely that in curves, Nissan Land Glider Concept leans. Should be understood because the ratio of height and width is pretty high so it will not tip over if it’ll have this feature. The board is also very futuristic as you can see from photos. More photos and details after the Tokyo Auto Show.

Nissan Land Glider ConceptNissan Land Glider ConceptNissan Land Glider Concept

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