If you have misplaced your key code, it is a great idea to get it from an Audi dealer, or please check our complete step by step guide. Since you own an Audi A3 model, which was manufactured between 2012 and 2016, you can get your key code by following our steps below.
Misplacing your key code is something that can actually embarrass you, especially when you have a premium car like the Audi A3. Whether you lost your key, you no longer have access to copies of your files, or you simply forgot the code, regaining your key code is crucial for reentry into your car. This article will show step by step how to get the key code on a 2015 Audi A3. Some tips from myself are included too. 🙂
Table of Contents
Key Point: Why Does a Key Code Exist?

Before we try to undertake the process of recovery, let’s see why your key code is significant in the first place. The key code is an individual number that enables Audi dealers, motor car dealers, and locksmiths to provide new keys or keyless gateways. If it does not happen, you can expect challenges and added expenses, for example. It is also relevant to know your key code since getting your keys duplicated will become a piece of cake and you won’t experience unnecessary difficulties when trying to unlock your car.
A Complete Guide to Help You Get Your Key Code Back ( Step by Step )
1. Check Your Documents
The first and probably the simplest approach to ensuring the validity of the collected information is reviewing any work that was done before. Audi should send the key code inside the handbooks that come with the auto, or documents for warranties. Skim through these materials carefully because the code can be found in a section that indicates keys and locks. Just for myself, I always have the handbook for my car saved on the phone, and the thing proves useful more often than not.
2. Look on the Key Fob
If you still have the key fob, then chances are that the code can be found on the fob itself, engraved or printed on it. Check the sides or back of the fob and look for numbers. In some of the Audi cars, the code has been embedded in a box that can be powered open using a pin. This is probably the easiest method, which, however, can turn into a lucky shot if you are fortunate.
3. Contact Your Dealership
The last place you want to look if you cannot pick the key code from your documents or the key fob is to contact your local Audi dealership. Just inform them of your VIN number and of your ownership of the car by presenting some ownership papers such as the registration papers. They’d say that the dealership can input your car key code in their system to identify your key. While this option may mean you have to pay at least a cent or two, it is the most sure way of regaining your code. In my opinion, dealerships are very accommodating most of the time, particularly if you can just come out and tell them your problems.
4. Use an Online Service
Some of the services available online can help you find your key code when you input your vehicle identification number. Such services normally charge a minimal fee depending on the type or make of the car but can be useful in case one cannot access a dealership. Make sure not to engage in fraudsters, as there exist some scammers in this service provision. Before opting for this option, I would advise that one should read the reviews often on the lookout for any complaints.
5. Contact a Locksmith
If the above options of the dealership and online services are not available then the next best option to take is the locksmith who deals in car keys. You can share with them the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), in some cases, they can pull the code from the car’s onboard electronics. Even though the cost of the process is slightly higher when compared to the previous method, it is much faster and more professional. Prior to the event, I had dealt with locksmiths for such issues with great results and did not see any reason for suspecting them.
Other Things to Consider When It Comes to Key Codes
- Keep a Record: When you have obtained your key code, make sure you save it in a safe place where you can easily find it. They suggest developing a tangible note; this can be typed and saved in another folder on your phone or computer.
- Regular Checks: Sometimes you should compare what is stored in your key fob and the documents to see if you have all the right information. By so doing, you can avoid experiencing a wrenching pain of change in the future, he added.
- Be Mindful: If you are planning on purchasing a second-hand Audi A3, it is important that you request the key code number from the owner. The second is the information, which can be used for any needs in the future.
Personal Insights
In my case, to avoid problems that usually occur with cars, I have realized that it’s very important to be very organized and always in anticipation. Compromising a key code is annoying, but unfortunately, it is always possible to regain it with the correct actions and a little time. If you prefer going through the dealership, using an online service, or talking to a locksmith, the important thing is to do it fast and have your papers and documents in order as much as it concerns the car.
Finally, it is clearly understandable that getting the key code of your 2012-2016 Audi A3 back could not be a hard thing to do. In the subsequent steps below and in maintaining an orderly system of information retrieval, the experience will prove to be even more devoid of a hitch. So the bottom line with regard to getting a car is that it pays to put in just a little bit of effort so that you can get the benefits on the other side of owning a car—nothing beats the feeling of owning a car that you have ensured that it is well prepared to serve you in the right manner at all times.