July 26, 2024

2012 Audi A8 flagship gets a new, flagship engine

Audi refreshed their flagship almost a year ago and apart from the aggressive marketing, the enormous amount of features it had something pretty impressive. Like all generations of the Audi A8, it has a decently impressive engine lineup in terms of grunt and presence. The latest announcement from the Ingolstadt based company takes everything to

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Ferrari has big plans for 599 replacement

It’s clear that no new Ferrari will be made with the purpose of being a simple, “average” car, but with the future 599 it seems like the Italians went a bit mental. Why is that? Because they describe the 599 replacement as something of a more powerful, lighter and more hardcore Ferrari.

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Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG E-Cell Prototype

It would seem like it was just yesterday that the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG was leaving the drawing board and entering production and already the eco-mentalists have gotten to it. To be frank, Mercedes unveiled their plan for an all electric version of the SLS AMG nearly a year ago but every single time I see

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