July 27, 2024
Ford Nissan Toyota

May brings along a rise in Hybrid sales

May seems to have become hybrid awareness month as sales of these cars soared the past month and have been the best since last August. As always, leaders of the market have been the Toyota Prius and the Ford Fusion hybrid.

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Controversy around safety rules for cars in the US

The American House of Representatives is proposing legislation that will beef up car safety regulations as a direct reaction to Toyota‘s recent recall issues. The bill forwarded is most likely to be attacked by foreign car makers as it urges manufacturers to supply technologies that cannot be quickly made available.

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Chrysler Ford General Motors

Detroit’s Big 3 improving but have a long way to go

We all remember the horrific news that came from Detroit around a year ago but now the headlines make for pretty much opposite extras to read all about. In short, Ford has recorded $2.1 billion in profits, General Motors managed to pay off the treasury loan early despite proving profits and Chrysler have managed to

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