July 26, 2024
Ford Nissan Toyota

May brings along a rise in Hybrid sales

2010 Toyota Prius

May seems to have become hybrid awareness month as sales of these cars soared the past month and have been the best since last August.

2010 Toyota Prius
2010 Toyota Prius

As always, leaders of the market have been the Toyota Prius and the Ford Fusion hybrid.

Last August hybrids got a boost when gas prices went up to $4 per gallon and as a result monthly sales went up to 38,701 units.

By comparison the past May only registered a more modest; 27,800 units sold but, as always, there are some figures that make for interesting reading. The percentage of raise compared to April is 18.7 which may not seem like much but when compared to the boost of 12.5% that conventional vehicles registered in sales it becomes obvious why last month was so important for hybrid sales.

Though Toyota vehicles accounted for over 73% of hybrid sales, with the Prius alone accounting for 51% of total hybrid sales, there are signs of activity in this domain from some other manufacturers. The Nissan Altima hybrid sold 1,167 units, up from 330 the previous month, and the Ford Fusion hybrid is getting a consistent yet steady growth, with increases measuring 64% more sold month-to-month and 32% more year-to-year. The Fusion sits safely in second place as far as hybrid sales are concerned, but the Prius is still keeping its crown.

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