July 26, 2024

Honda will try to meet Chinese strikers demands

Honda have announced the plan that’s destined to get its Chinese employees back to work and all it’s plants in the People’s Republic up and running again. The workers that staged a walk out that lead to the closing of four Honda plants in China have been demanding an increase of over 50 per cent

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Four Honda plants in China closed due to strikes

The growing labor issues in China have hit home and Japanese car maker, Honda is the first victim of the situation. Yesterday, May 29th, Honda had shut all four of its Chinese plants as a result of massive strikes of company employees.

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General Motors Opel

Germany hasn’t decided on Opel’s aid

The German Government has yet to produce a final decision on the plan of helping Opel’s situation and this is creating quite a bit of tension as thousands of jobs at the GM unit remain attached to an uncertainty of the future. Opel has been loosing money for quite some time and is seeking Government

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