

VIDEO: How the Volvo models are tested before going into production


The Swedes from Volvo decided to make a video where to show us how their models are tested in order to give as a safer and reliable vehicle. Volvo is well-known for their care and attention given to the safety of their models and this video comes as a confirmation of the reasearching and development work made in order to take the safety at a higher level.

Volvo Test Circuit
Volvo Test Circuit

A Volvo vehicle needs a year of hard and complex tests before it received the green light for entering the assembly line. In the video released by Volvo, the professional drivers take the vehicles to their limits at Volvo’s test ground in Hallered, Sweden.

The testing circuit has several different areas which reproduce all the major driving conditions, leading the vehicle to extreme. In a year, the Volvo drivers manage to use the vehicle as it would be used in normal driving conditions for the whole estimated car’s life.

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