July 26, 2024

BMW’s Megacity range gets registered

BMW Megacity

It’s not the first time we hear about BMW’s plans, ideas and hopes for their Megacity lineup. It probably won’t be the last time we hear about it either.

BMW Megacity
BMW Megacity

The latest on the Bavarian’s inner city oriented vehicles comes from the Internet and it tells us about how busy BMW have been in the legal department.

To be specific, it tells us how busy BMW have been in the trademarking quarters in preparation for their little Megacity. According to this particular source, BMW have registered quite a large amount of nameplates.

BMW Megacity
BMW Megacity

Starting with the i1 and going all the way up to i9, they got the lot. Kind of makes you wonder, are the Germans seriously going to have 9 Megacity models to pick from or is this just a marketing ploy attempting to keep others from trademarking the hereby mentioned names and subsequently making a profit later on.

BMW Megacity
BMW Megacity

I’m tempted to say it’s all marketing but I reckon BMW’s Megacity sub brand will have quite the word to say in small, eco-friendly transportation. Unlike most of such creations, I’m almost ready to say that the BMW Megacity will drive well no matter what range of numbers or letters will be on the back.

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