July 26, 2024

Mazda 6 Coupe under consideration

Well here’s an interesting turn of events, after several scares about the Mazda 6 and its future, we find that not only will it stay but it might get a new spin-off. During an interview with WhatCar one of the “higher-ups” from the Japanese company announced that after the new sedan sets sail in 2013,

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Mazda Takeri Concept to feature i-ELOOP

Mazda is a Japanese company that doesn’t seem to follow the trends. They take their time and they tend to do things right. Which is something both good and wrong, as Mazda’s brilliant products sometime go unnoticed but good because they’re some of the cheapest ones around. Their latest innovation for the “average” car comes

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Mazda’s 6 model stays after all

Initial reports that contained the killing off of the Mazda 6 and Subaru Tribeca were wrong. We know for certain that Mazda is keeping their slow selling sedan on the market for at least another generation, as the Japanese themselves claim.

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Mazda Subaru

Mazda 6 and Subaru Tribeca to leave production

Japan has been giving us quite a few bad news lately but this particular one has a feeling about it that we will let slide. It seems like the Japanese decided to cancel any chance the Mazda 6 and the Subaru Tribeca have at any more facelifts or versions.

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A few more photos of the Hennessey Venom GT

Remember the 2011 Hennessey Venom GT ? Well we’ve just got a new set of photos, this time they reveal more than the previous, teaser shot looking images available for it.

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