July 26, 2024
Other News

Algae-based batteries

In elementary school, some of you might have had the chance to use a potato to power various electrical devices. Still, you can’t just drive around in your Prius with a trunk full of potatoes. That little experiment just proves that plants can be used as a power source, if we find some way to

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2012 Toyota Prius V surpasses Japanese tsunami aftermath

Most of us barely remember the natural disaster that happened in Japan just two months ago but despite being the nation who experienced it first hand, Japan seems to have put it well behind. Saying things like this may be a bit of an exaggeration but Toyota is just one of the many enterprises that

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Honda rumored to be working on a hybrid bike

The Japanese at Honda seem to be around the rumor pot a lot lately and even though it’s not clearly apparent, they can’t really be blamed for idle hands. The latest of uncertain news is regarding one of Honda’s premier products, not exactly the four wheeled variety, but still interesting.

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Chevrolet General Motors

GM praises Chevrolet Volt total range

Feeling like the Chevrolet Volt has captured the public’s attention lately, GM came up with a new scheme to get some extra media coverage. Since there isn’t really that much going for it, the focus fell onto the fuel economy and range the Volt can manage.

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Mitsubishi will be cutting the price of the i-Miev

The economic climate may be recovering, slowly for most, rapidly for some but it’s effects haven’t worn off the population. In order to please the market which is getting an ever growing taste for electric vehicles but isn’t yet ready to let go of the price cuts, incentives and so on Mitsubishi have announced that

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Ford’s plans for hybrids and EVs

According to a recent statement by spokesmen from Ford Motor Company we could be expecting that by 2020 up to 25% of the company’s global sales to be hybrids, plug-in hybrids, electric vehicles, or any combination of these technologies. Nancy Gioia, Ford’s director of global electrification is the author of this statement but he also

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Lots of Nissan Leaf customers have previously owned a Prius

Nissan is hoping that their electric Leaf will attract interest of people bothered about the environment and will lead the way towards the electrification of automobile transportation. On a side note to the Nissan Leaf’s marketing Nissan Division for Nissan North America Vice President Al Castignetti had a relatively unsurprising statement to make about the

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VW electric cars and their batteries

As electricity has proven itself as the alternative to internal combustion engines and most major manufacturers have taken a leap towards this technology, most of it’s available applications imply batteries. Volkswagen, a company that is a bit behind in this field has announced that it will soon produce such a vehicle, most likely we’re talking

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