July 26, 2024

2013 Mercedes CLA to debut new 4Matic system

Mercedes have announced the new compact sedan they call the CLA quite some time ago. Progress on it is being made and engineers are confident in giving us some extra information. The downsizing nature of the idea behind the car makes the front wheel drive propulsion system a better alternative to anything else that came

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Ford gives F-150 mild update for 2012

Ford and their F-150 may be ahead, but they aren’t backing down. According to the most recent of press releases from the Blue Oval, their star pickup is going to get a few changes so it welcomes 2012’s arrival. None of these changes are very big, but some of them make a huge difference so

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Cadillac Converj rumored to be production ready

Cadillac’s hunt for new age designed, edgy models seems to rarely stop in concept form so their announcement to make another one a production car is just confirmation of their desire to get back on top. Well at least that’s what the marketing department would have you believe when speaking about the rumor of how

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Honda rumored to be working on a hybrid bike

The Japanese at Honda seem to be around the rumor pot a lot lately and even though it’s not clearly apparent, they can’t really be blamed for idle hands. The latest of uncertain news is regarding one of Honda’s premier products, not exactly the four wheeled variety, but still interesting.

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BMW i range could get a range extender

The Bavarians are pretty keen on their electric range, the i fellowship but good as they may be, they still suffer from the same real world problems. This is why BMW is currently considering adding some range extender devices to the i3 and whatever other pipeline products.

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BMW’s i3, one hot electric car

The i3 may be an electric vehicle that’s meant to be eco friendly and save the world but underneath it’s still got fiery BMW sports car DNA. This shines through in a recent announcement we got regarding the BMW i3 and its drivetrain layout, one that has a special resonance with petrolheads.

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Buick is getting their own version of the Ampera

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away Chevrolet came up with the Volt, something they call an electric car with extended range capabilities. Most of us call it a plugin hybrid, but let’s face it, the selling point of the Chevrolet Volt was the fuel economy it could manage.

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2010-2011 Jeep Wrangler undergoes recall

Jeep’s Wrangler may have not needed a recall for the alleged fuel leak problems but Chrysler didn’t really get into the clear. The 2010-2011 Jeep Wrangler is still going to be called in for a recall for a different matter, one that’s equally serious.

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2015 Volvo SC90 Sports Sedan Concept

Although technically sanctioned by Volvo, the SC90 concept, we see here, is the brainchild of Nouphone J. Bansasine while studying at the Volvo Monitoring and Concept Center. To be honest, it is not exactly Volvo-ish, in fact, if it didn’t have that massive badge on the front i’d forget about the V-shaped bonnet and think

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Mahindra pickups won’t see U.S. soil until December

It would seem that people who were waiting for the small diesel pickups made in India will have to keep on waiting as their launch date has been pushed back to December 2010. This is the fourth time these pickups are postponed and the original American launch date has now grown past an year’s delay

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