July 26, 2024

Mazda kills off RX-8 production

Mazda has long stood by RX lineup. The RX-7 barely barely held a candle against the likes of the 911 and other such rivals. The RX-8 however got a bit more of a break, it came with a better price, a lot more practicality and considerably better reviews. Despite this, Mazda never really managed to

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Mazda is changing hands

Well at least financially that’s what happening to the Japanese Zoom Zoom car maker. The actual term is something rather financial as Mazda’s largest shareholder will no longer be Ford but in fact a bank which is based in Tokyo.

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General Motors

General Motors’ word on the IPO

The ever important word in recent months at General Motors, their Initial Public Offering has recently become an even more interesting to watch affair than it was not that long ago. A few days ago, GM’s CEO, Ed Whitacre had a bit of a chat with a reporter from Reuters who got it out of

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Tesla and their IPO results

Tesla Motors, the exclusive will start trading today on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the ticker of TSLA has already sold its shares and with quite a bit of a result. The company has already raised $226 million by selling shares above its forecast price range, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

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Ford Motor Company will take care of debt before paying dividents

Ford Motor Company’s executive chairman William Clay Ford Jr. announced this week to shareholders that dividend payments would not be made until the automaker pays down more of its debt. During the same statement he also mentioned that shareholders don’t have any right to complain, considering the soar in stock value and the fact that

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