July 26, 2024

Tesla wants to sell its Model S in china

Tesla Model S

With the Chinese market in full bloom, the car makers flock to the Asian country to get a piece of the cake while it’s still fresh.

Following its recent success with the Model S electric vehicle, Tesla might be pushing to sell the car in the aforementioned country.

Tesla Model S
Tesla Model S

As with the other markets, Tesla will still hang on to their desire to only sell the car in company-owned dealerships. If this will go down easy with the Chinese authorities remains to be seen, but should they manage to get into this market, the Model S will be quite a rare sight.

Tesla Model S
Tesla Model S

Already bearing a hefty price tag, the Tesla Models S might be subjected to several taxes before finally reaching the Chinese buyer, making the vehicle appealing only to a certain set of individuals. With plans for a first dealership to open in Beijing, anyone willing to pay for the electric sedan would benefit from the same premium customer service and options present in any other country.

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