The title above is not a rip off or any sort of insult to Chicago, Hummer owners, fans and of course employees. What it actually is, is true, Chicago is going to host a “Save Hummer Motors in America” summit where everybody can show their support for the Hummer brand which, to be honest, needs it ever since it was announced to be dead.

The initiative of this Hummer saving summit belongs to CLIC (Capital & Labor International Coalition) which is a newly formed capital management company, joined together to do their best to salvage the Hummer brand.
The meeting will be held on April 11, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois and features an impressive guest list: all of Hummer’s shareholders, dealers and even Jim Taylor (CEO Hummer). Some extra help in order to reach the government will be provided by Senator Roland Burris. To be more precise on the location of this event: the “Save Hummer Motors in America” summit will be held in the Hall of Fame Room at Coach Mike Ditka’s Restaurant at noon and will be followed by a press conference around 4:30 pm.

We wish them our best as the positive feedback they got from owners and analysts on Hummer’s financial situation along with a liaison to the Government may help all those people employed and everybody that wants a Hummer with a chance at getting one.