

Opel Meriva- The New Generation


The first international test with the new generation of the Opel Meriva model lasted two days and they have just one word to describe the car’s behavior, flexibility. The German manufacturer decided to replace the compact MPV released in 2003 and he needed a good idea to capture the attention.

And because is hard to came up with something original from the design point of view, Opel decided to focus on the passengers area, after all this Meriva is a car for family. For this reason, Opel reinvented the back doors replacing the classic ones with something called FlexDoors. This is other name for the doors that open backwards, also known as “suicide doors”. This is not something new, the “suicide doors” were used a very long time ago but they were banned for security reasons.

From then the technology advanced and the doors are more secure, also Rolls-Royce implemented this type of doors on its models. Actually those FlexDoors are providing a better access to the back seat, it’s much easier to get in and get out of the car.

Punga Robert
the authorPunga Robert
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