July 26, 2024

Porsche sales keep growing

Porsche Panamera

One would think that as an after thought of the financial crisis people would still be careful with their expenses and so on.

Porsche Panamera
Porsche Panamera

But no, the entire automotive market is registering growth. Further more, Porsche is having an immense sales boost from last quarter.

With some information coming in, the Germans released their sales figures and it seems that the Porsche Panamera and Porsche Cayenne have more than done their job.

The new Porsche Cayenne managed to shift 10.292 units which amounts to an incredible growth of +151% with the Porsche Panamera trailing in second place.

The Panamera managed to sell 5.778 vehicles and grow by 94% which is almost just as impressive. It would seem that Porsche’s four door models are flying out of showrooms.

At the other end of the scale we have the two doors which did well but less impressive. The Porsche 911 sold 3.130 units thus gaining a +20.4% bump and the Boxster and Cayman smaller brothers coming in at 1.089, respectively 929 vehicles sold.

On a total figure, Porsche sales registered a 86.4% growth compared to what they managed in the first three months of the 2010 short fiscal year.

The interesting bit is that while profits were up as high as €395 million Porsche say they were expecting a bigger growth and that this is a “relatively weak” result.

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