July 26, 2024
Concept Cars Seat

Seat`s First SUV Officially Coming

It seems that every automaker nowadays is coming in SUV these days, as it is also the case of the Seat Spanish manufacturer to launch its first SUV vehicle. The Seat manufacturer has changed its marketing by launching different vehicles for different car segments, and if you take a closer look at a Seat showroom,

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VW Group reports increased global sales for 2011

The Germans from Volkswagen Group report increased sales for the first eleven months of 2011 comparing to the same period of the last year. It seems that the German group managed to sell 4,69 million units from January to November. This means an increase of 12,4% comparing to the same period of 2010 while the

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Volkswagen Group reports sales record

Even the entire world has to deal with financial problems, the Germans from Volkswagen Group seem to have no issues in setting an all-time sales record. To be more precise, the company reported that 6,11 million units have been sold in the first nine months of 2011. According to the official details, this means that

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Porsche facing debt, sells out shares

What can you do, inevitably, some sort of trouble comes around to your business endeavour no matter how good the cars you make are. This is certainly the case of Porsche, a company that has been struggling for quite some time now as far as the money is concerned.

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Volkswagen inaugurated yet another factory in Germany

VW Group is trying to extend more and more, this is why they decided to open a new plant in Osnabruck, models such as the new Golf Cabriolet following to be produced in the German city. However, Volkswagen’s factory in Osnabruck is not that new, actually, in the past a local car manufacturer known as

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Audi puts customers on hold for new cars

The Germans at Audi have warned us about this situation before and it’s now at a point where it’s seriously becoming a problem for them. The part suppliers that deliver everything Audi vehicles need that can’t be made in-house are really suffering and they are holding back deliveries for the four-ringed cars.

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More sales records: Skoda

Overall, I’d say the VW Group isn’t one for financial issues at the end of 2010. Not only have Audi’s sales reached a personal best we’ve now heard much of the same from Skoda. The Czechs have something to be proud of. Just as the Germans how own their company have as well.

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Bentley Luxury Cars Porsche

Rumor on Porsche and Bentley

Don’t you just love it? Not even on Black Friday is somebody to busy to come up with an interesting rumor. This time, there’s word going round that Porsche and Bentley could end up working together.

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VW Group has big investment plans for the future

The Germans at Volkswagen came out with a pretty interesting announcement; they plan to invest no less than 51.6 billion euros in their Automotive division. There’s more too, VW Group plans to invest this sum over the short period of five years.

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VW Group testing new Windshield technology

I know it doesn’t sound glamorous but for somebody like me, who has winter mornings wasted scraping away the ice it’s an immensely good idea. The new Windshield tech VW is currently testing relies on some chemical magic to work against ice and fog giving you a hard time.

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Suzuki Kizashi Sedan will be on sale in Germany this fall

The new Kizashi Sedan from Suzuki is already on sale in Japan and the United States of America has just been confirmed for sale in Germany. This car is a completely new mid size sedan that may mark a new era for the former aeroplane maker and will hit dealerships across Germany in October this

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Audi Tuning

The R8 Audi just got tuned by MTM

MTM is a German tuning company that specializes in products of the VW Group and the latest thing they got round to doing is giving the Audi R8 supercar a few changes here and there. Actually quite a few changes everywhere as the engine now features forced induction so the supercharged 4.2 liter FSI V8

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Skoda Yeti to be produced in Ukraine

Volkswagen Group has announced that will produce the Skoda Yeti SUV based on the VW Golf V’s platform in Ukraine. The company is at the completion of the new production line, which will start the Skoda Yeti production this month, according to German manufacturer. Prices for Skoda Yeti from Ukraine will be established most likely

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